Thursday 15 December 2011

Love u

I meant my promise,
I meant my wish,
I will cry with it,
I will die with it,
But will always go with my promise..........
Love u today,
Loved u yesterday,
Love u tomarow,
Love u always.......forever 

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Annaji and winter

here is so much cold now. its hard to imagine out of home in early morning and after evening. don't know how much cold will be there on 25th dec, Christmas night. till that day winter will reach on its peek and from that date it will start to decrease. Recent news said that ,''winter forced Annaji to shift his proposed fast later this month on lokpal bill from Delhi to Mumbai to avoid harsh winter conditions of Delhi. wah re wah winter. it forced Annaji also to move from Delhi. i must say that winter is done that which Delhi government or police could not done.'' But whatever Annaji's fast would happen definitely. However i saw this news on facebook in times of india's wall post, i gave it a like and then read the comments. there were so many funny and serious comments. the first comment,''take 2 peg of beer and sit at Delhi. people will not effected by winter.'' so funny but true. but not effective for Annaji and their team. oh god different people and their different views. some comment's '' no need to come mumbai, spare us!'' some said,''team anna thought delhi people might got bored from them.'' and a guy litterally suggested a new venue for fast,'Ahemadadbad!'' why? because there is no fear of bomb blast.
To read these all comments now i am feeling so much cold, so byee. i want to go to bed and get a big rajai. god bless team Anna and winter also.

Sunday 11 December 2011

in remembrance of Anuranjani Verma

As usual sunday was good and relaxed day. My mood was so lively. But in eve when i saw nikita singh's wall post about Anuranjani Verma, I felt so bad. I was badly missing rucha, my dear friend because I was feeling so lonely. The reason of loneliness was Anuranjani, her unexpected, early death. Though i dont know her personally, also she was not my facebook or net friend, even i had never heard her name or read her blog. Still her death disturbed me alot because she was love someone so much, deeply, innocently....... anuranjani was only 20 yr old young girl. I saw her snaps, her attractive smile forced u to fall in love with her. When i was watching her snap my mom passed from bedroom, she take a look of lappy and came to me asking that who is she? I said she is writer but she is no more now. Mom was surprised! Everyone should.
I had to read some competitive study stuff . but i could not make my mind for study cause my mind was asking reason of Anuranjani's death. I searched so much on google but i did not get it. She died on 10th dec 2011. She was so different. I read her blog. She wrote her last blog post on 30th nov 2011 'I want to run away! seriously!' after reading this post i get her pain. She was very disturbed and i am disturbed because i am not getting that what happen in between 1st dec to 10th dec? why she didnt post anything in those days? how she died? whom she love? and why he could not accept her love? so many questions and no one here to answer me.
I am now reading anuranjani's novel 'Falling for the right guy!' which have an happy ending, why not it had to her? again question.......... god bless her soul. miss you Anuranjani. Though you are not here physically, we will always remember you for your poems and 'Falling for the right guy!'

Monday 5 December 2011

Dev Aanand

As now days i am so much busy and here is no sign to become free again. The effect is that that i can not getting time to watch TV. I am happy by this business but last morning as i wake-up i was binding my bedding, Ekanath maharaj [ bhagavat saptah is going on at home so 4 maharaj are staying here.] told mom that Dev Aanand is no more. I was shoked. i run there and asked them again is it happen really or you people are joking? they on TV and go to news channel. Only Dev aanand was there. Every channel was speaking about him, his films, his long term career, his livelyness, his energy, his charm and most important thing is his young heart. He was great. I am feeling like i lost a guide. I love his film Guide, but i am crazy about his film Bhagawan Dada. What i say about his moves by his neck, his style of wearing hat. his acting is attractive. most watched film Hare Rama Hare Krishna. Hi was amazing, evergreen. Will always remain and live in my heart......................''heera ki tamanna hai ke panna mujhe mil jaye , chahe koi jan de chahe koi jahan de de!''
A great thought come in my mind, if really there is rebirth system, where Devaji has been born? wherever i want to meet him.

LRR PART 5 the beginning of love

Ram :- I thought to inform Meera about Aarchee. But first I had to move from highway as the night seems more darken after having a young gir...